Things we rarely talk about
There are a lot of things that we never really talk about openly. Most women I know have been taught from a young age that they will have a yearly exam that includes checking their breast and vaginal health, but we don't really talk about it openly. It's an important part of our general health, but gods forbid we talk openly about something that keeps us in the know about the likelihood of having cervical cancer, which can be a silent killer. Breast cancer is a huge concern and yet, many of us don't do monthly exams at home which means that unless we get lucky, the yearly exam from our OB/GYN or the clinician at Planned Parenthood might be the best chance to catch the tell-tale lump early enough to do some good. In the interest of opening things up and bringing important issues into the light, I'm going to share about my annual exam that I had just this week. I go to Planned Parenthood for my sexual health needs, and have since I was in high school. It's ...